Riverside House is an ambitious social regeneration project that has repurposed a neglected grade II listed 19th Century iron masters house and grounds into a stunning health & wellbeing Centre with café, craft shop, workshops and cultural events. Meaningful, social activities, in a conducive environment, can make a significant difference to the quality of our lives, both for the local community and specific beneficiaries. This is achieved through the delivery of traditional crafts, the arts, ecology, heritage and land based activities

Transforming Places can Transform People

Deepening our relationship with history, environment and culture through intervention to the landscape, crafting artefacts and developing art practices, in communion with others, is profoundly satisfying and transformational. We support rigorous, researched practices that embody and enrichen relationships with each other and our surroundings.

“A project such as Riverside House has the potential to transform the prospects of a whole community” Kate Braithwaite MBE-Operations Director at UnLtd - grant funders who support social entrepreneurship

“This website is amazing and demonstrates the ways that this once neglected site has been transformed by Lloyd and the team. Inclusion is clearly at the heart of all they do, alongside a passion to preserve, innovate and create” Dudley Council for Voluntary Service

Riverside House relies on the generosities of grant funders and donations

Your support is very much appreciated

Mayors Civic Awards Winner 2024 - William Shenstone award for environment


Riverside House would not exist today were not for our generous donors and funders. Among those we would like to thank include: UnLtd; School for Social Entreprenuer’s; Paul Hamlyn Foundation; Dudley MBC; Postcode Local Trust; The National Lottery; Geoff Hill Ltd; Severn Trent Community Fund; Enovert Community Trust and Dudley Council for Voluntary Service; Creative Black Country


Riverside House can not succeed in isolation and we try to foster as many partnerships as possible. Among those we would like to acknowledge are: Dudley Council for Voluntary Service; Birmingham & Black Country Wildlife Trust; Canal & River Trust; Halesbury School, Redhill School, Department of Work and Pensions; Dudley Adult Community Learning and Black Country Impact; Black Country Touring


Riverside House directors are: Richard Catchpowle, David Hadley-Pryce, Kerry Hadley-Pryce, Lloyd Stacey


Website design - Lloyd Stacey. Photography - Lloyd Stacey; Megan Young; Andrew Williams; Antonio Meitin.

Riverside House

Transforming Places can Transform People

Please donate to Riverside House

New furniture proposal for Rotunda Roundhouse by Dual Works